Within AngularJS using pdfmake, I was able to export a header as a pdf.
Using exporterPdfHeader.
Here is the code:
$scope.gridOptions.exporterPdfHeader = {
margin: [30, 5, 30, 10],
table: {
widths: [ '*', '*', '*' ],
body: [
[ 'Region: ' + $scope.region, 'Group: ' + $scope.group, 'MC: ' + $scope.mc /*, 'The last one'*/ ],
[ 'District #: ' + $scope.district, 'Route #: ' + $scope.route, 'Week Ending Date: ' + $scope.weekEndDate, /*, 'Value 4' */],
Now what I want to do is export ANOTHER header with an image inside of it. I cannot do both within this one header. Is there a way I can exporter another separate header? Or create the image inside this header as a separate row? Maybe creating another gridOptions? (gridOptions2). Any assistance would be a great help.
Within columns I was able to create different headers when you export a ui-grid.
$scope.gridOptions.exporterPdfHeader = {
columns: [
margin: [206, 0, 0, 0],
image: //long url,
width: 200,
height: 58,
margin: [ -160, 60, 33, 0 ],
table: {
widths: [ '*', '*', '*' ],
body: [
[ ],