I trying to run the demo app based on javaFX and jfoenix UI library on intellij, I have the jdk1.8.0_131 and jre1.8.0_131 version but I unnable to run, what Im doing wrong? this import throws me error:
import com.sun.javafx.scene.control.skin.TextFieldSkinAndroid;
I already set the JAVA_HOME and gradle environment variables and I already build the demo with gradlew
I need another version of jdk and jre for run this library?
Go to the root folder of the project open the "build.gradle" (not the other build.gradle that are inside of folders) comment out the code: mave{ url 'http://sevntu-checkstyle.github.com/sevntu.checkstyle/maven2',
it should now look like this:
//maven { url 'http://sevntu-checkstyle.github.com/sevntu.checkstyle/'}
then run gradlew build