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Debug level logging for `mix ecto.rollback` and `mix ecto.migrate` commands

Currently, I'm looking for the way to add SQL-statements logging while running mix tasks. For example, commands such mix ecto.rollback and mix ecto.migrate outputs informative:

13:45:53.016 [info]  == Running Repo.Migrations.AddAmountToUserResources.change/0 backward
13:45:53.016 [info]  alter table user_resources

However instead of mysterious alter table user_resources I'd like to see exact SQL-statements generated by ecto which hits DB. Is there any way to do that?

I've checked a couple of SO answers, which looks relevant (e.g. Disable Elixir Ecto Debug output). Unfortunately, they didn't help me in my case above. Thanks in advance.


  • A feature to allow logging raw SQL was added to Ecto on 15 Jan 2017. There hasn't been a release of Ecto since then. Once there is, or you switch to using the version of Ecto from Github master branch, you can pass --log-sql to the commands ecto.migrate and ecto.rollback to make it log the complete query that's executed.

    $ mix ecto.migrate --log-sql
    $ mix ecto.rollback --log-sql