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How to calculate defect severity index?

Lets say me defect severity levels are 4 (Critical), 3 (Serious), 2 (Medium), 1 (Low). The total number of defects is 4.


  • We can use the following steps

    1)We assign a number to each severity as : Blocker=9, Critical=8, Major=3, Minor=2 , Trivial=1

    2)Then we multiply the number of issues in each category by the assigned number as:(Num of Blocker * 9) + (Number of Critical issue * 8)

    3)Then we divide by the Total issue count

    ex: ( (Num of Blocker * 9) + (Number of Critical issue * 8) + (Number of Major issue *3) + (Minor issue count * 2) + (Trivial issue count * 1) ) /Total issue count