I downloaded a XML from a camera to memory, and wanted to parse it with libxml and xpath, but I get a blank result (or rather, the "Leerer Knoten" path), when trying to query the value of a node. Whats happening there?
std::string wrapper::utility::XMLHelper::getPayload(std::string identifier, std::string document)
xmlDocPtr doc = xmlParseDoc((const unsigned char*)document.c_str());
xmlXPathContextPtr xpathCtx;
xmlXPathObjectPtr result;
xpathCtx = xmlXPathNewContext(doc);
if (xpathCtx == NULL)
return "Invalid Context";
result = xmlXPathEvalExpression((xmlChar*)identifier.c_str(), xpathCtx);
char buffer[16];
snprintf(buffer, sizeof(buffer), "%d", result->nodesetval->nodeNr);
if (xmlXPathNodeSetIsEmpty(result->nodesetval))
return "Leerer Knoten";
std::string returnValue((char*)xmlNodeGetContent(result->nodesetval->nodeTab[0]));
return returnValue;
std::string identifier = "/NetworkInterface/IPAddress/ipAddress";
std::string request =
"<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\" ?> \n"
"<NetworkInterface version=\"2.0\" xmlns=\"http://www.std-cgi.com/ver20/XMLSchema\">\n"
" <id>1</id> \n"
" <IPAddress version=\"2.0\" xmlns=\"http://www.std-cgi.com/ver20/XMLSchema\">\n"
" <ipVersion>dual</ipVersion> \n"
" <addressingType>static</addressingType> \n"
" <ipAddress></ipAddress> \n"
" <subnetMask></subnetMask> \n"
" <ipv6Address>::</ipv6Address> \n"
" <bitMask>0</bitMask> \n"
" <DefaultGateway>\n"
" <ipAddress></ipAddress> \n"
" <ipv6Address>::</ipv6Address> \n"
" </DefaultGateway>\n"
" <PrimaryDNS>\n"
" <ipAddress></ipAddress> \n"
" </PrimaryDNS>\n"
" <SecondaryDNS>\n"
" <ipAddress></ipAddress> \n"
" </SecondaryDNS>\n"
" </IPAddress>\n"
" <Discovery version=\"2.0\" xmlns=\"http://www.std-cgi.com/ver20/XMLSchema\">\n"
" <UPnP>\n"
" <enabled>true</enabled> \n"
" </UPnP>\n"
" <Zeroconf>\n"
" <enabled>true</enabled> \n"
" </Zeroconf>\n"
" </Discovery>\n"
" <Link version=\"2.0\" xmlns=\"http://www.std-cgi.com/ver20/XMLSchema\">\n"
" <MACAddress>c4:2f:90:4c:85:68</MACAddress> \n"
" <autoNegotiation>true</autoNegotiation> \n"
" <speed>10</speed> \n"
" <duplex>half</duplex> \n"
" <MTU>1500</MTU> \n"
" </Link>\n"
std::string res = wrapper::utility::XMLHelper::getPayload(identifier, request);
searches for elements in the empty XML namespace. Your document seems to contain a namespace, so register it and use a namespaces prefix.