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"dojo AMD format, makes code easier to author and debug", how to prove it?

Dojo said that "dojo AMD format, makes code easier to author and debug" (

is there any one can show us an example code to prove this statement? tanks :)


  • AMD allows division/organization of your code in modules, which are loaded on demand, this have some advantages:

    • Organization: You code tend to be more structured and organized when you think in term of modules.
    • Debug: As you code is separated in functionalities/feature per module it simplifies debugging as the amount of code for a module is more limited in length and scope.
    • Testing: It is more easy to organize your test cases when your code it is well defined in separate modules.

    More information about AMD and module.

    Example of simple module for a navbar:

    // in "my/widget/NavBar.js"
    ], function(declare, _WidgetBase, _TemplatedMixin, template){
        return declare([_WidgetBase, _TemplatedMixin], {
            // template contains the content of the file "my/widget/templates/NavBar.html"
            templateString: template