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how ui-grid can customize dynamic number of header and data?

i have a ui-grid with this structure : how can I customize this grid to have different number of header or data . actualy i have to make dynamic funktion for difference kind of dataset for example for this dataSet:

{0:["date","numberOfTransaction", "price"],
1:["20170207", "3029223", "5294194476028"],
2:["20170208", "2176469", "1479374036275"],
3:["20170209", "2902111", "6971208095034"],
4:["all", "8107803", "13744776607337"]}

or for this :

{0:["date","numberOfTransaction", "price","total price"],
1:["20170207", "3029223", "5294194476028","3232"],
2:["20170208", "2176469", "1479374036275","223"],
3:["20170209", "2902111", "6971208095034","322"],
4:["all", "8107803", "13744776607337","1321"]}


  • It should be like this. You should create columns of ui-grid firstly. then init data array of ui-grid. for this i create a function that create row of ui-grid. this function have a parameter that is an array. by using of this array and columns of ui-grid creating rows of ui-grid. after crating each row push it in data array of ui-grid. as you see below.

     var obj = {};
     var row = {};
      if(j != 0){
       row = createObject(data);
      function createObject(array){
        var obj = {};
        for(var h=0; h < array.length;h++){
          obj[$scope.gridOptions.columnDefs[h].field] = array[h];
      return obj;
