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Bash Zenity Spaces Forms - Reading input

Hi I am new with Bash and I have a problem with reading input with spaces. I use zenity, this is my code :

RESULT=$(zenity --forms --title="Title"\
    --add-entry="File Name"\

    NAME=$(echo $RESULT| cut -d '|' -f 1)
    DIRECTORY=$(echo $RESULT| cut -d '|' -f 2)

    if [ $DIRECTORY ]; then

    if [ $NAME ]; then
      COMMAND="$COMMAND -name $NAME "

    find $COMMAND

When I am trying to search file in folder - "Name Space" it does not work, because the space sign, the same with name.

If you know how can I do it with spaces, please help. Thank you all!


  • This is your code, fixed for some problems (it works now):

    result="$(zenity --forms --title="Title"\
        --add-entry="File Name"\
        name="$(echo "$result"| cut -d '|' -f 1)"
        directory="$(echo "$result"| cut -d '|' -f 2)"
        if [ "$directory" ]; then
        if [ "$name" ]; then
        find "$command"

    Some comments:

    1) It is very advisable to use double quotes when you are assigning a value to a variable or when you are expanding a variable. That precludes word splitting. See this.

    2) Avoid using variables in UPPERCASE - the Bash shell uses variables in UPPERCASE and you should avoid doing so to avoid a name collision.

    3) Some of your variable concatenation had some mistakes, I fixed those.

    Note: your user should enter the directory name including the forward slashes, such as /folder/ or / (for root directory).

    I hope this helps!