I need to implement something with a heap sort, and I am having a bug with it.
In the Heap class:
private serial[] data;
private int size;
private static final int FRONT = 1;
public Heap(){
serial[] data = new serial[1000]; //serial - object with a String
this.size = 0;
data[0] = new serial("");
public void insert(serial t){
data[size] = t; **<--- Null Pointer EXCEPTION**
int current = size;
while(data[current].serialNumber() > data[parent(current)].serialNumber()){
swap(parent(current), current);
current = parent(current);
(and more functions of course for the heap implementation). and the main class:
public class Simulation {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Heap maxHeap = new Heap();
maxHeap.insert(new serial("a"));
maxHeap.insert(new serial("ba"));
(I insert Strings and return a sorted array based on numbers) I ran the program, and it returns a Null Pointer Exception (to the insert function, it is written in the code where).
for some reason, it says that: (in the Heap class)
private serial[] data;
was never used.
In the heap constructor I initialized the instance variable again.
Thanks to Seelenvirtuose