I have created N Three card hands using random sampling from a deck of 52 cards. Now, I want to find winner among the N hands.
These are the rules to find winner.
The winning priority of Cards is in descending order and probability of getting these cards is in ascending order.
Probability of getting trial is least and winning priority is most and so on.
I have checked in sequence of trial to normal.
boolean trial = this.checkTrial();
boolean doubleRun = this.checkDoubleRun();
boolean run = this.checkRun();
boolean color = this.checkColor();
boolean same = this.checkSame();
System.out.println("Double Run");
Is this the best way ?
I have two options What is the best way to find winning hand among these two ?
Any suggestion is appreciated.
As i see you need to build a game system of playing cards with game of 3 card poker or 3 patti or flush, lets identify all objects involved
class Card {
char color;
short number;
public Card(char color, short number) {
this.color = color;
this.number = number;
public char getColor() {
return color;
public void setColor(char color) {
this.color = color;
public short getNumber() {
return number;
public void setNumber(short number) {
this.number = number;
class Deck {
char[] deckColors = {'♦', '♠', '♣', '♥'};
short[] cardNum = {(short) 'A', (short) '2', (short) '3', (short) '4', (short) '5', (short) '6', (short) '7',
(short) '8', (short) '9', (short) 'T', (short) 'J', (short) 'Q', (short) 'K'};
int cardCount;
public Card[] getShuffledDeck() {
Random r = new Random();
Card[] deckCards = new Card[(deckColors.length * cardNum.length)];
int cnt = 0;
for (char c : deckColors) {
for (short s : cardNum) {
deckCards[cnt++] = new Card(c, s);
Card[] shuffledDeck = new Card[deckCards.length];
int addedCount = 0;
while (addedCount < deckCards.length) {
int tInt = r.nextInt((deckCards.length));
Card c = deckCards[tInt];
if (c != null) {
shuffledDeck[addedCount++] = c;
deckCards[tInt] = null;
} else {
return shuffledDeck;
class Hand {
Card[] cards;
int handRank;
public Hand(Card[] cards) {
this.cards = new Card[3];
//sort all cards
if (cards[0].getNumber() > cards[1].getNumber()) {
if (cards[0].getNumber() > cards[2].getNumber()) {
//0 index is highest card
this.cards[2] = cards[0];
if (cards[2].getNumber() > cards[1].getNumber()) {
//2 is second highest
this.cards[1] = cards[2];
this.cards[0] = cards[1];
} else {
//1 is second highest
this.cards[1] = cards[1];
this.cards[0] = cards[2];
} else {
//2 index is highest
this.cards[2] = cards[2];
if (cards[0].getNumber() > cards[1].getNumber()) {
//0 is second highest
this.cards[1] = cards[0];
this.cards[0] = cards[1];
} else {
//1 is second highest
this.cards[1] = cards[1];
this.cards[0] = cards[0];
} else {
if (cards[1].getNumber() > cards[2].getNumber()) {
//1 index is highest card
this.cards[2] = cards[1];
if (cards[2].getNumber() > cards[0].getNumber()) {
//2 is second highest
this.cards[1] = cards[2];
this.cards[0] = cards[0];
} else {
//0 is second highest
this.cards[1] = cards[0];
this.cards[0] = cards[2];
} else {
//2 index is highest
this.cards[2] = cards[2];
if (cards[0].getNumber() > cards[1].getNumber()) {
//0 is second highest
this.cards[1] = cards[0];
this.cards[0] = cards[1];
} else {
//1 is second highest
this.cards[1] = cards[1];
this.cards[0] = cards[0];
public int getHandRank() {
return handRank > 0 ? handRank : calculateHandRank();
public int calculateHandRank() {
//assuming 3 cards dealt
//Trial - ColorSeq - Seq - Color - Pair
int[] powerOf2s = {1, 2, 4, 8, 16};
return ((cards[0].getNumber() == cards[1].getNumber() && cards[1].getNumber() == cards[2].getNumber()) ? 1 : 0) * powerOf2s[4]
+ (((cards[2].getNumber() - 1 == cards[1].getNumber() && cards[1].getNumber() - 1 == cards[0].getNumber()) && (cards[2].getColor() == cards[1].getColor() && cards[1].getColor() == cards[0].getColor())) ? 1 : 0) * powerOf2s[3]
+ ((cards[2].getNumber() - 1 == cards[1].getNumber() && cards[1].getNumber() - 1 == cards[0].getNumber()) ? 1 : 0) * powerOf2s[2]
+ (((cards[2].getColor() == cards[1].getColor() && cards[1].getColor() == cards[0].getColor())) ? 1 : 0) * powerOf2s[1]
+ ((cards[0].getNumber() == cards[1].getNumber() || cards[1].getNumber() == cards[2].getNumber() || cards[0].getNumber() == cards[2].getNumber()) ? 1 : 0) * powerOf2s[0];
Now you just need to see which player's hand's rank is highest among all player hands, and if two player happen to have same hand rank then see who has high card in sequence of Hand.cards[2],[1],[0].
let me know if any explanation is required.
the algo can be improved greatly, the given code example is just to show the thought process.