hey all
I am developing a furniture design augmented reality app for my dissertation and need quite a bit of help as I can't find it else where with tutorials etc.
I am doing this in Unity using the Kudan SDK AS it is pretty much the only available sdk that has SLAM technology (markerless) whereas the rest don't and others charge £2000+
I need help with implementing functions for Positioning/moving objects placed in the real world through my iPhone
I need help with implementing functions for adjusting/resizing objects through my iPhone using my fingers on the touch screen
Anyone have a tutorial/script/guidance they can help me with this?
Looking at a drop down box button that when clicked will open the drop down and each drop down item is assigned to an object. Thanks in advance.
you can use a plugin for Unity its called Lean Touch and its Free. It has exactly what you want to achieve with 0% coding.