I have some code samples in C. I need to do the histogram equalization. However, I need to forward step by step. I was stucked in first step. First step is to convert the file from RGB to YCbCr.So, I will share the codes with you. All codes that I've is not gonna fit into these area. Also, I've added a picture that shows my failure. I wonder where I'm wrong. I hope somebody can show me the light. The error message says that "pointer value used where a floating point value was expected". What does it mean with this message?
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <malloc.h>
#include <math.h>
#define PI 3.1415926535897932384626433832795
struct ppm_header
char pgmtype1;
char pgmtype2;
int pwidth;
int pheight;
int pmax;
struct ppm_file
struct ppm_header *pheader;
unsigned char *rdata,*gdata,*bdata;
// The codes that I've begin from here.
/*struct RGB // In fact, this structer is not a comment. I changed it.
unsigned char R;
unsigned char G;
unsigned char B;
struct YCbCr
float Y;
float Cb;
float Cr;
struct YCbCr RGBToYCbCr(struct ppm_file rgb) {
float fr = (float)rgb.rdata / 255;
float fg = (float)rgb.gdata / 255;
float fb = (float)rgb.bdata / 255;
struct YCbCr ycbcr;
ycbcr.Y = (float)(0.2989 * fr + 0.5866 * fg + 0.1145 * fb);
ycbcr.Cb = (float)(-0.1687 * fr - 0.3313 * fg + 0.5000 * fb);
ycbcr.Cr = (float)(0.5000 * fr - 0.4184 * fg - 0.0816 * fb);
return ycbcr;
// The codes that I added end here.
void get_image_data(char *filename,struct ppm_file *image);
void write_image(char *filename,struct ppm_file *image);
// I do not have the enough space for the get_image_data and the write_image functions implementation.
// If I will a solution for the space, I'll add the functions.
struct ppm_file resim;
printf("max gray level...=%d\n",resim.pheader->pmax);
return 0;
"The error message says that "pointer value used where a floating point value was expected". What does it mean with this message?"
The message means exactly what it says. You used a pointer value where the compiler expected a floating point value.
According to your definition
struct ppm_file
struct ppm_header *pheader;
unsigned char *rdata,*gdata,*bdata;
ppm_file.rdata, ppm_file.gdata and ppm_file.bdata are unsigned char pointers.
But you do this:
float fr = (float)rgb.rdata / 255;
float fg = (float)rgb.gdata / 255;
float fb = (float)rgb.bdata / 255;
so you're trying to cast an unsigned char pointer to float, divide it by 255 and asign that to a float variable. That is not going to work.
First you have to dereference the unsigned char pointer. The resulting unsigned char value can then be cast to a float value, which you can then use as planned.
float fr = (float) *rgb.rdata / 255;
should do the trick.
Please make sure you have a better understanding of C and it's types befor you continue. There are plenty of good books and tutorials available.