I have some data I'll be fetching at runtime:
/* {id: 1, name: 'brad', age: 27, address: { city: 'city1', state: 'state1' } } */
let data = "{\"id\":1,\"name\":\"brad\",\"age\":27,\"address\":{\"city\":\"city1\",\"state\":\"state1\"}}";
Using ReasonML and BuckleScript, how can I can get this data in the form:
type address = {
city: string,
state: string
type person = {
id: int,
name: string,
age: option int,
address: option address
The solution I've come up with are 100s of lines long.
Using bs-json:
let parseAddress json =>
city: json |> field "city" string,
state: json |> field "state" string
let parsePerson json =>
id: json |> field "id" int,
name: json |> field "name" string,
age: json |> optional (field "age" int),
address: json |> optional (field "address" parseAddress)