I have several objects stored within a list. How do I call upon member functions from the objects in the list?
I need to access each object stored within the list and call the getX function for each one to sort the objects. If there is a better when to do this than compare the X values of each object and swap their positions within the list, I am not sure how to do it.
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <fstream>
#include <list>
#include <algorithm>
#include <conio.h>
#define sz 12
using namespace std;
class Point
int x, y;
Point() { }
Point(int a, int b)
:x(a), y(b) { }
// print function is pure virtual and that makes class Point an abstract class
// a pure virtual function can have prototype only without definition
// an abstract class can't be instantiated
// its derived class must override this function in order to be a real class
virtual void print() const = 0;
int getX(); // added function to get x value
int getY(); // function to get Y value
void Point::print() const
cout << "\nPoint: ( "
<< x
<< " , "
<< y
<< " )";
int Point::getX()
return x;
int Point::getY()
return y;
class Circle : public Point
int radius;
Circle() : Point() { }
Circle(int a, int b, int c)
:Point(a, b), radius(c) { }
virtual void print() const;
void Circle::print() const
cout << "\nCenter of the Circle is at: ";
cout << "\nRadius of the Circle is: "
<< radius;
cout << endl; // inserted endl
class Cylinder : public Circle
int height;
char color[sz];
Cylinder() { }
Cylinder(int a, int b, int r, int h, char clr[])
: Circle(a, b, r), height(h)
{ strcpy(color, clr); }
virtual void print() const;
void Cylinder::print() const
cout << "\nHeight of Cylinder is: "
<< height
<< "\nColor of Cylinder is: "
<< color;
cout << endl;
void load_list(list<Point*>&, char*); // Create list of shapes
void output(Point*&); // display function for for_each
int main()
char clr[10];
list<Point*> shapeList;////
list<Point*>::iterator it;
load_list(shapeList, clr);
for_each(shapeList.begin(), shapeList.end(), output);
cout << "\n\n///////////////////\n"
<< "////////////////////\n "
<< "After list is Sorted: \n";
for_each(shapeList.begin(), shapeList.end(), output);
return 0;
void load_list(list<Point*>& ptList, char *ch)
char type;
int x, y, r, h;
ifstream infile("shapes.txt");
if (!infile)
cout << "\nCan not open input file.";
infile >> type;
while (infile)
if (type == 'c')
infile >> x >> y >> r;
ptList.push_back(new Circle(x,y,r));
else if (type = 'l')
infile >> x >> y >> r >> h >> ch;
ptList.push_back(new Cylinder(x, y, r, h, ch));
infile >> type;
void output(Point*& point)
void sort_list_by_x(list<Point*>& pt)
list<Point*>::iterator it;
list<Point*>::iterator it2;
auto it2 = pt.begin();
auto it = it2++;
auto e = pt.end();
You need to use a comparator function to sort the list according to some custom criterion. For instance, if you want to sort on x
, you should make a global function:
bool compare_x (const Point* first, const Point* second)
return (first -> getX() < second -> getX());
And then call the sort
This will sort the list based on the values of x
. If you are using C++
greater than C++11
, you can also use lambda functions:
shapeList.sort([](const Point* first, const Point* second) {
return (first -> getX() < second -> getX());
You need not make an explicit comparator function in that case.