I would like to customize my PolarChart to replace the angle values displayed in a PolarChart by default
, with custom strings like this :
You can override the refreshAngleTicks()
method of PolarPlot
, as shown here:
import static org.jfree.ui.TextAnchor.*
PolarPlot plot = new PolarPlot() {
protected List refreshAngleTicks() {
List ticks = new ArrayList();
ticks.add(new NumberTick(0, "maxCharTick: 20", TOP_LEFT, TOP_LEFT, 0));
ticks.add(new NumberTick(45, "energyComsuption: 1", TOP_LEFT, TOP_LEFT, 0));
ticks.add(new NumberTick(90, "maxDamage: 40", TOP_LEFT, TOP_LEFT, 0));
return ticks;
Alternatively, consider a SpiderWebPlot
, shown here.