First off, here's a minimal reproducible example:
Suppose I have the following flexdashboard
app example.Rmd:
title: "Test App"
theme: ["lumen"]
orientation: ["columns"]
runtime: shiny
```{r setup, include=FALSE}
Inputs {.sidebar data-width=250}
## Modules:
globalInputs <- callModule(setup, "inputs") # Note: you only need to call this one time!
callModule(chart, "modalChart", globalInputs)
## UI:
### ModalTest
Here's my modules.R file:
sidebar <- function(id) {
ns <- NS(id)
helpText("Press the button below to pull up a modal:"),
actionButton(ns("settings"), "Settings", icon = icon("cogs"), width = '100%')
# setup function
setup <- function(input, output, session) {
return(input) ## Note, input in this case is a reactive list of values that you can index against with $ or [[""]]
# UI module for the popup Settings modal
modalUI <- function(id) {
ns <- NS(id)
withTags({ # UI elements for the modal go in here
## Note: you can use the fluidPage() and fluidRow() functions to define a column-based UI for the chart inputs below:
fluidRow(sliderInput(ns("bins"), "Number of bins:",
min = 1, max = 50, value = 30),
textInput(ns("plotTitle"), label = "Plot Title", value = "This is a test")
## UI module for the 2 buttons in the modal:
modalFooterUI <- function(id) {
ns <- NS(id)
modalButton("Cancel", icon("remove")),
actionButton(ns("modalApply"), "Apply", icon = icon("check"))
## chart module ----------------------------------------------------------------
chartUI2 <- function(id) {
ns <- NS(id)
chart <- function(input, output, session, setup) {
observeEvent(setup$settings, {
modalUI("inputs"), # Call UI function defined in './modules/modal.R'; note the namespace 'inputs' is the same globally for the app
title = "Settings",
footer = modalFooterUI("inputs"),
size = "l",
easyClose = TRUE,
fade = TRUE)
output$distPlot <- renderPlot({
if (setup$settings == 0)
hist(faithful[, 2],
breaks = 5, # if the button hasn't been pressed, default
main = 'This is the default title',
col = 'darkgray',
border = 'white')
x <- faithful[, 2]
bins <- setup$bins
breaks = bins,
main = setup$plotTitle,
col = 'darkgray',
border = 'white')
Here's what I want to accomplish:
with default parameters. This should always happen.actionButton
, it pops up the modal overlay (but keeps the plot in the background in its original state)I think I have #1 figured out, but when I click the 'Settings' button I get an error Invalid breakpoints produced by 'breaks(x)': NULL
. Then, I change the inputs and it does nothing (except until I hit the Settings actionButton
again (which in turn renders the plot with the given inputs).
What am I doing wrong?
There might be a timing issue. When you press the settings button, setup$settings
becomes 1 so the renderPlot
tries to replot. If this happens before the slider is set up, setup$bins
and you get an error.
You could add a condition in the first if
of your renderPlot
to plot with setup$bins
only when the user presses the Apply button in the modal:
output$distPlot <- renderPlot({
if (setup$settings == 0 | !isTruthy(setup$modalApply)) {
hist(faithful[, 2],
breaks = 5, # if the button hasn't been pressed, default
main = 'This is the default title',
col = 'darkgray',
border = 'white')
} else {
x <- faithful[, 2]
bins <- setup$bins
breaks = bins,
main = setup$plotTitle,
col = 'darkgray',
border = 'white')
will be TRUE
if setup$modalApply
(modal hasn't been created) or if it is 0
(user hasn't pressed the button yet).
Once the user presses the Apply button, the plot is updated.
To make it easier, you can use a reactiveValues
to hold all your plot parameters, including the default ones. It can be updated when the user clicks the apply button, which in turn updates the plot:
plot_params = reactiveValues(bins=5,title='This is the default title')
output$distPlot <- renderPlot({
hist(faithful[, 2],
breaks = plot_params$bins,
main = plot_params$title,
col = 'darkgray',
border = 'white')
plot_params$bins = setup$bins
plot_params$title = setup$plotTitle