I'm using AnythingSlider (fun toy) as a website where the panels are the site's pages. As such, I want to disable and remove the Start/Stop button but leave the rest of the navigation. I'm under the impression that it's part of the navigation and can't be optioned out. If that's correct, how do I do it?
Actually, I want to move the navigation to the top right of the panel, as well.
From the examples here: http://css-tricks.com/examples/AnythingSlider/
The 2nd example does not have the button. If you read the source:
width : 600, // if resizeContent is false, this is the default width if panel size is not defined
height : 350, // if resizeContent is false, this is the default height if panel size is not defined
resizeContents : false, // If true, solitary images/objects in the panel will expand to fit the viewport
autoPlay : false, // This turns off the entire slideshow FUNCTIONALY, not just if it starts running or not
navigationFormatter : formatText // Format navigation labels with text
Look at autoPlay. It is clearly responsible for the start/stop functionality, including the button.