I have a field in the student class in the Spring MVC
private String studentHobby;
I have put the size validation for it.
and write the following code in the spring-servlet.xml file
<bean id="messageSource" class= "org.springframework.context.support.ReloadableResourceBundleMessageSource">
<property name="basename" value="/WEB-INF/studentmessages"/>
studentmessages.properties files is:
Size.student1.studentHobby =pls enter a value for {0} between {2} and {1} characters
I am getting the value of min field but not getting for max field
pls enter a value for studentHobby between 5 and {javax.validation.constraints.Size.message} characters
can someone let me know what could be the reason for not getting the max value?
Don't know how but when i changed the
studentmessages.properties files as:
Size.student1.studentHobby = pls enter a value for {0} between {2} and {4} characters.
It gives me the right message as
pls enter a value for studentHobby between 5 and 30 characters.