Say you have the CSS custom property for a color:
--color: 255,0,0
And you want to mix it specially every time with rgb
or rgba
as the need requires. This is valid CSS:
rgba(var(--color), .3)
...but Sass explodes. I've been trying to see if I could write a mixin or something but I can't figure out how to get around Sass's insistence on using it's own color functions even when they are not necessary.
Got it! This is a bit hacky but this allows you to create a custom function that utilizes the rgba()
function with CSS custom properties (as allowed in the spec):
@function swatch($swatch-color, $swatch-alpha:1) {
@return unquote("rgba(var(--#{$swatch-color}), #{$swatch-alpha})");
:root {
--green: 0,255,0;
.green { color: swatch(green, .1); }
Found the key to the solution in a Sass bug report. This only works because the unquoting and interpolation bypass the default rgba()