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Microsoft Graph 403 when not admin

I am getting 403 for a logged in user with no admin credentials when going for:

It works when I am logged in as an admin. is working fine!

I have delegated permissions in Azure and accepted them as an admin via prompt=consent querystring.

Read all users' full profiles
Read all groups
Read directory data
Access directory as the signed in user

I am getting the token via this.service.acquireToken(


  • You have the correct workflow but the wrong parameters.

    prompt=consent is used to force the user to re-consent to the required scopes. Typically you would do this if your scopes have changed and you need user's to re-authorize your application.

    This shouldn't be confused with prompt=admin_consent which is used when you have scopes that require an Admin's pre-approval prior to standard user's authorizing your application.

    You can find more details about prompt and other query parameters in this article.