Search code examples

elastic search 5.1.1 unable to install elasticsearch-head?

I've just install latest elasticseach on my mac using brew install elasticsearch, and it can run and I can see contents from localhost:9200.

But I tried to install web-browser for it. So the stack over flow says there's a "plugin" command under elasticsearch/bin folder. But seems this is an answer for very old version of Elasticsearch. Now there's only one /usr/local/Cellar/elasticsearch/5.1.1/libexec/bin/elasticsearch-plugin, and I failed to:

elasticsearch-plugin install mobz/elasticsearch-head

It's not successful. But how to achieve it? Thanks a lot.


  • In addition to what Andrei said, you may install another standalone tool called cerebro:

    It's from the same author who developed the kopf plugin back then for previous ES releases (2.x and backwards).

    Basically, the exact same UI as the Kopf plugin, but as a standalone Scala app.
