I am new to Apache Solr. I have created a new Collection, named testCollection. This collection has been created through solr admin console and its router type is implicit. I am using the below code to create a new shard to the above collection
SolrServer solr = new HttpSolrServer("http://localhost:8983/solr/testCollection");
UpdateRequest request = new UpdateRequest();
request.setParam("action", "CREATESHARD");
request.setParam("collection", "testCollection");
request.setParam("shard", "latestShard");
on executing the above I do not get any exception, but no new shard is created. I am using solr 6.1. Although this question might seem a possible duplicate of Solr 4 - adding shard but no code snippet is available, also how to achieve this using SolrJ is not mentioned. Any help will be appreciated.
Regards, Ankur
You are using the wrong api.
The UpdateRequest is for performing actions on the index data (adding/deleting docs etc), not for managing how the collection is set up, for creating a shard for example, you need to use this