Task: Caesar’s algorithm (cipher (c)) encrypts messages by "rotating" each letter by key (k) positions.
To implement: ci = (pi+k)mod26 where ci is cipher, pi is plaintext and k is key.
My Pseudocode:
int main (int argc, string argv[]) //get key from command line argument
if (argc != 2 || atoi(argv[1]) < 0)
printf ("print valid key");
return 1;
int k = atoi(argv[1]);
string p = get_string(); //prompt for plaintext
for (int i=0, n = strlen(p); i < n; i++)
{ if (isalpha('p'))
if (isupper('p'))
printf ("%c", p[i]);
if (islower('p'))
printf ("%c", p[i]);
printf ("%c", c[i]);
Actually ,the code you have written will simply return the value of plain text you have entered logic for this question is c[ i ]=( p[ i ] +k)%26 you have to make apply this formula differently for both upper and lower case I can give you a snippet of the code ,this will help you in solving your problem
int l = (p[ i ] -65+k)%26
Here, k is the key In this I have used the ASCII values of the letters as the ASCII values is integer ,I have used a integer to store the value and apply the operation given . I have used 65 because ASCII value of upper case 'A' is 65. As we have to print the character we have used %c to print the character . This was for the upper case ,you can do similar with the lowercase If this answer was helpful , please click the arrow beside this Thank you :)