I am getting a DbUpdateException
with message
String or binary data would be truncated
I understand that one of the fields in the entity won't fit the length of the column in the database. And that I could go down and check them manually.
What I am trying to do however, is get a sensible error message which might tell me which field it actually is! E.g.
String or binary would be truncated at field ProspectName.
I am able to print out a lot of random information. and have tried various stuff. But nothing points to the field name.
Please note this is NOT of type DbEntityValidationException
, it is a DbUpdateException
// DbUpdateException exception
foreach (var entry in exception.Entries)
builder.AppendLine(String.Format("Error at: Type {0}", entry.Entity.GetType().Name));
if ((exception.InnerException is System.Data.Entity.Core.UpdateException) &&
(exception.InnerException.InnerException is System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException))
var updateException = (System.Data.Entity.Core.UpdateException)exception.InnerException;
var sqlException = (System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException)exception.InnerException.InnerException;
var result = new List<ValidationResult>();
for (int i = 0; i < sqlException.Errors.Count; i++)
builder.AppendLine(String.Format("Error code: {0} ", sqlException.Errors[i].Number));
builder.AppendLine(String.Format("Source: {0} ", sqlException.Errors[i].Source));
builder.AppendLine(String.Format("Message: {0} ", sqlException.Errors[i].Message));
builder.AppendLine(String.Format("State: {0} ", sqlException.Errors[i].State));
builder.AppendLine(String.Format("Procedure: {0} ", sqlException.Errors[i].Procedure));
Complete error:
String or binary data would be truncated. The statement has been terminated.
Error at: Type tree_1ECACDBB4458C7A9DEC7CD183FD8B8C3473502FEFFACF160E17AD47718DCE5EA
Error code: 8152
Source: .Net SqlClient Data Provider
Message: String or binary data would be truncated.
State: 14
Error code: 3621
Source: .Net SqlClient Data Provider
Message: The statement has been terminated.
State: 0
One "ugly" solution (but functional and using ONLY C# code) to find exactly which property is giving you that error would be:
In case you are doing an update do this:
var myDBObj = db.Mytables.Where(x=>x.Id == myId).FirstOrDefaul();
if(myDBObj == null) return false; // or something else with the error msg
myDBObj.Property1 = myObjToSave.Property1;
myDBObj.Property2 = myObjToSave.Property2;
myDBObj.Property3 = myObjToSave.Property3;
.... // EACH PROPERTY....
myDBObj.PropertyX = myObjToSave.PropertyX;
Now, with a brake point or an incremental variable to track the "position", etc... you will know exactly in this specific case where you have the exception....
NOTE: this is an ugly solution JUST to track down where it is failling... NEVER use this in production... and of course IMO there are other more friendly things like having a sql profiler and see the generated SQL and then try to run it on the sql management studio and then see the error there......
Something like this (note: I did not compile it) :P
Type type = obj.GetType();
PropertyInfo[] properties = type.GetProperties();
string lastPropertyWithError = ""; // You can replace this with a list or so
foreach (PropertyInfo property in properties)
property.SetValue(myDBObj, property.GetValue(myObj, null));
lastPropertyWithError = property.Name;