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How to populate Meteor autoform options with objects

I have a simple schema defined for collection:

testReport = new SimpleSchema({
  name : {
    type: String,
    label: "Your Name"   

  school : {
    type: Object,
    label: "Your School"
  "school.$.name" : {
    type: String
  "school.$.region" : {
    type: String

}, { tracker: Tracker });


This schema is used via autoform to generate very simple form that is saved to Reports collection:

   {{#autoForm collection=Collections.Reports id="form" type="insert"}}
        {{> afQuickField name="name" }}
        {{> afQuickField name="school" options=schoolOptions}}
        <input type="submit" value="Submit">

A simple helper is used to autopopulate options dropdown with data from collection:

schoolOptions: function () {
    if (Meteor.userId()) {
            return Meteor.user() (c) {
                return {label:, value: JSON.stringify({ name:, region: c.region})};

Everything is rendering successfully but when I click submit I get an error on School field that says

"Your School must be of type Object"

I did try couple of refactoring but nothing works. Usually in the "value" field of options dropdown we put only a String, Number etc. But I want to pass an object here (which is returned by helper) The object looks like.


So the final document inserted into Collection should look like:

  "name": "John",
  "school": {"name":"someSchoolName","region":"someRegion"}

Can anyone please help with this? Many thanks in advance!


  • In your schema, change this

    "school.$.name" : { type: String},"school.$.region" : {type: String}

    to "" : {type:String},"school.region" : {type: String}