I am currently facing an issue with creating a user input title for a canvasJS chart. I am currently running through the tutorial over at canvasJS, and I thought it would make a neat small project to create a user input oriented pie chart.
The current issue I am facing is trying to get the text inputted from HTML to show up correctly.
var chart = new CanvasJS.Chart("chartContainer",{
I understand that the title must be set by tying it together with the addDataPointsAndRender function, but I am confused as canvasJS only displays set text by title: {text : "title"} and I am trying to figure out how it would go together by fetching input text.
Thank you for any assistance.
You can set the user inputs to the chart by either using chart options or by using the set() methods of the CanvasJS API.
I have modified your jsfiddle, and its working now.
function addDataPointsAndRender(){
chart.options.title.text =document.getElementById("chartTitle").value;
y: parseFloat(document.getElementById("yValue1").value),
indexLabel: document.getElementById("indexLabel1").value
Also have a look at :