I have this unit test, and I've been trying to throw an exception on it, but I'm not able to do it, please can you help me?
public async Task HandleAsyncDeleteModel_WhenRepositoryFails_ThrowsException()
var token = new CancellationToken();
var deleteModel = new DeleteProcessCommand(_img, _tnt, _pro, _url);
var writeRepository = new StubIWriteRepository<Dto>()
DeleteIfExistsAsyncGuidGuidGuidCancellationToken = (img, tnt, pro, tkn) =>
throw new TimeoutException();
var Logger = new StubILogger();
var commandHandler = new CommandHandler(Logger, writeRepository, null, null, null, null, null, null);
await commandHandler.HandleAsync(deleteModel, token);
Unit tests do not wait for async methods. No one is calling for the results of the async method. You need to do a .Wait on it to force it to wait for a result.
public async Task HandleAsyncDeleteModel_WhenRepositoryFails_ThrowsException()
var token = new CancellationToken();
var deleteModel = new DeleteProcessCommand(_img, _tnt, _pro, _url);
var writeRepository = new StubIWriteRepository<Dto>()
DeleteIfExistsAsyncGuidGuidGuidCancellationToken = (img, tnt, pro, tkn) =>
throw new TimeoutException();
var Logger = new StubILogger();
var commandHandler = new CommandHandler(Logger, writeRepository, null, null, null, null, null, null);
commandHandler.HandleAsync(deleteModel, token).Wait();