I'm trying to add a jsDependency to build.sbt file of my project, like it's declared on webjars:
"org.webjars" % "jsplumb" % "2.0.7"
However, I can't figure out where am I supposed to find a filename which should be added after it and a /. I tried to write:
"org.webjars" % "jsplumb" % "2.0.7" / "jsplumb.js"
But that didn't work. All the other sensible options I managed to come up with, like:
"org.webjars" % "jsplumb" % "2.0.7" / "plumb.js"
didn't work either. I think I might be doing something terribly wrong, but where am I supposed to find that name/path?
Go to webjars.org, find your library jsplumb
, click on the Files link in the right-most column. There you can see the files contained in that jar, and figure out which one you want. In this case, I suppose it is jsPlumb-2.0.7.js