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How do I use PHP to encode a string containing quotes to make it safe for inline 'onclick'?

I have a variable in a database that could potentially contain single or double quotes. When I retrieve the variable from the database, it is written with PHP into an inline "onclick" hander:

echo '<li><a onClick="a4e.duplicate_assignment('.$this_assignment['id'].',\''.htmlspecialchars($this_assignment['title'],ENT_QUOTES).'\',\'/assignments/'.$type.'/\');" href="javascript:void(0);">';echo '<i class="fa fa-copy"></i> Duplicate assignment</a></li>';

This produces HTML that looks like this in the page source:

<li><a onClick="a4e.duplicate_assignment(92,'ELLLO - &#039;If I had a million dollars&#039;','/assignments/cloze/');" href="javascript:void(0);"><i class="fa fa-copy"></i> Duplicate assignment</a></li>

However, clicking the link produces the following error in the console:

Uncaught SyntaxError: missing ) after argument list

I thought using the PHP function "htmlspecialchars" would mitigate this issue, but it doesn't seem to work.

Any help greatly appreciated.

P.S. It is not possible in this case to use a Javascript "onclick" handler - it has to be inline HTML. Also, it is not possible to ban the use of quotation marks in the variable value.


  • Try using the function:


    EDIT: This method will take care of the quotes in the string itself, but may not be suitable if you need to retain quotes for HTML insertion. Read the docs carefully.