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Not able to fire the click event for a button inside the Item template in RADorgChart

I am having a button inside the item template which is available in a RadOrgChart(telerik Control).

<asp:UpdatePanel ID="uplDataHierarchy" runat="server" UpdateMode="Always">
      <div id="divOrgChart" runat="server" style="width: 100%; height: 480px; overflow-y: auto">
         <rad:RadOrgChart ID="radOrgChartHierarchy" runat="server" RenderMode="Lightweight" DisableDefaultImage="true" DataFieldID="ID" DataFieldParentID="PARENT_ID">
               <rad:RadLabel runat="server" ID="RadLblName" Text='<%# Eval("NAME")%>' CssClass="fa-align-center" Font-Size="X-Small"></rad:RadLabel>
               <br />
               <rad:RadLabel runat="server" ID="RadLblPinCode" Text='<%# Eval("PINCODE")%>' CssClass="fa-align-center" Font-Size="X-Small"></rad:RadLabel>
               <br />
               <rad:RadLabel runat="server" ID="RadLblAdd" Text='<%# Eval("Address")%>' CssClass="fa-align-center" Font-Size="X-Small"></rad:RadLabel>
               <br />
               <asp:LinkButton ID="btnDetail" runat="server" CommandArgument='<%# Eval("ID") %>' Text="Get Detail" OnClick="btnDetail_Click" Font-Underline="false"></asp:LinkButton>

When i am having this senerio without update panel Click Event for the BtnDetail is firing perfect.

But as i am having it inside the update panel i am not able to fire the click event for the button.

I tried it with

  1. Link Button
  2. Button
  3. telerik button

Tried to add triggers in the aspx like:

<asp:AsyncPostBackTrigger ControlID="btnDetail" EventName="btnDetail_Click" />

But here it is throwing error : control not found then i tried it from code behind with NodeBound Event as:

Protected Sub radOrgChartDealHierarchy_NodeDataBound(sender As Object, e As Telerik.Web.UI.OrgChartNodeDataBoundEventArguments) Handles radOrgChartDealHierarchy.NodeDataBound
Dim lnkBtnDetail As LinkButton =    e.Node.GroupItems(0).FindControl("btnDetail")

Registering an event to the panel

 Dim aspT = New AsyncPostBackTrigger()
 aspT.ControlID = lnkBtnDetail.ToString()
 aspT.EventName = "Click"

Resgistering event via script manager

Dim scrPtMgr As ScriptManager = ScriptManager.GetCurrent(Me.Page)
End Sub

I tried to do a js postback as well even there I am not able to hit the server side click event.

Waiting for the Response.


  • After trying for 4 days at last I got the solution.

    As the LinkButton is inside the ItemTemplate so Server side event is not getting triggered.

    So what we can do here is as follows: First of all on NodeDataBound click event we need to add the client side event to the control:

    Protected Sub radOrgChartDealHierarchy_NodeDataBound(sender As Object, e As Telerik.Web.UI.OrgChartNodeDataBoundEventArguments) Handles radOrgChartDealHierarchy.NodeDataBound
            Dim lnkBtnDetail As LinkButton = e.Node.GroupItems(0).FindControl("btnDetail")
            lnkBtnDetail.OnClientClick = "bindDetails(" & e.Node.ID.ToString() & ");"
    End Sub

    You need to add a HiddenField as well to keep the ID of the node

    <asp:UpdatePanel ID="uplDataHierarchy" runat="server" UpdateMode="Always">
          <div id="divOrgChart" runat="server" style="width: 100%; height: 480px; overflow-y: auto">
          <asp:HiddenField ID="HdnFldSelectedILD_ID" runat="server" Value="0" />
             <rad:RadOrgChart ID="radOrgChartHierarchy" runat="server" RenderMode="Lightweight" DisableDefaultImage="true" DataFieldID="ID" DataFieldParentID="PARENT_ID">
                   <rad:RadLabel runat="server" ID="RadLblName" Text='<%# Eval("NAME")%>' CssClass="fa-align-center" Font-Size="X-Small"></rad:RadLabel>
                   <br />
                   <rad:RadLabel runat="server" ID="RadLblPinCode" Text='<%# Eval("PINCODE")%>' CssClass="fa-align-center" Font-Size="X-Small"></rad:RadLabel>
                   <br />
                   <rad:RadLabel runat="server" ID="RadLblAdd" Text='<%# Eval("Address")%>' CssClass="fa-align-center" Font-Size="X-Small"></rad:RadLabel>
                   <br />
                   <asp:LinkButton ID="btnDetail" runat="server" CommandArgument='<%# Eval("ID") %>' Text="Get Detail" OnClick="btnDetail_Click" Font-Underline="false"></asp:LinkButton>

    then You have to add following JS function: Here you will get the Id of the node which you will set to the Hidden Field and will do the Post back with theForm.submit();

        function bindDetails(id) {
                    document.getElementById("<%=HdnFldSelectedILD_ID.ClientID%>").value = id;

    Now in the page load check for the value of the Hidden Field if it is not 0 then do your processing as follows:

     If HdnFldSelectedILD_ID.Value = 0 Then
                //Your custom logic where you can access server side Controls as well
            End If

    And then in LoadCustom you can do your manipulation with the server-side controls as well like:

    Private Sub LoadFields(nID As Decimal)
    End Sub