Above is sample XML that I'm trying to parse in java using JDOM, following is my code for the same.
String xml="above xml";
org.jdom.Document doc = saxBuilder.build(new StringReader(xml));
Element rootNode = doc.getRootElement();
Element subRootNode = rootNode.getChild("ns2:DataContent");
Element subsubRootNode = subRootNode.getChild("ns2:DataItem");
Element subsubsubRootNode = subsubRootNode.getChild("ns2:Position");
String value=subsubsubRootNode.getAttributeValue("ns3:RandomNumbers");
But When I execute the above code I get NULLPOINTEREXCEPTION at follwing line
Element subsubRootNode = subRootNode.getChild("ns2:DataItem");
How to get the value of RandomNumbers and Interger xml tags? Thanks !!!!
To access elements that are in a namespace in JDOM, you should use the method getChild(localName, namespaceUri)
For example if the element is
<ns:donald xmlns:ns="http://us.nepotism.com/">
then you should use getChild("ivanka", "http://us.nepotism.com/")
The answer from @GalDraiman appears to ignore the namespace issue completely.