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Error 401 when tweets using node-twitter

I am using Twitter API by the package Twitter for Node.js.

Right now I succeed reading tweets using stream, but I failed to write tweets. I got 401 error which means Unauthorized according to Twitter Developer Documentation.

The code is here:

const Twitter = require('twitter');

const twitterClient = new Twitter({
  consumer_key: TwitterConsumerKey,
  consumer_secret: TwitterConsumerSecret,
  access_token_key: TwitterAccessTokenKey,
  access_token_secret: TwitterAccessTokenSecret
});'statuses/update', { status: 'Hello World!' },  (err, tweet, res) => {
  if (err) throw err;

I did give write access. What could be other reasons causing this? Thanks

enter image description here


  • I made it work. Before I changed my access from "read" to "read, write, and direct messages". And I did regenerate my "consumer key and secret", also "access token and token secret" several times.

    It should work, but it wasn't.

    At last I totally delete the app on Twitter and recreated it, then it works!

    Hope this can help people who met this weird issue.