I'm wondering if there is a way to put my Wordpress attachment link inside of a javascript function. In simple terms, it would function like so:
$attach_url = "<?php echo wp_get_attachment_url(); ?>";
function () {
return $attach_url;
More specifically, I'm looking for a way to implement it with Photoswipe's share buttons (full source code here):
$attach_url = = "<?php echo wp_get_attachment_url(); ?>";
(this, function () {
'use strict';
var PhotoSwipeUI_Default =
function(pswp, framework) {
shareButtons: [
getAttachmentPageURL: function ( shareButtonData ) {
return $attach_url;},
parseShareButtonOut: function(shareButtonData, shareButtonOut) {
return shareButtonOut;
_updateShareURLs = function() {
var shareButtonOut = '',
for(var i = 0; i < _options.shareButtons.length; i++) {
shareButtonData = _options.shareButtons[i];
attachment_pg_url = _options.getAttachmentPageURL(shareButtonData);
shareURL = shareButtonData.url.replace('{{attachment_pg_url}}', attachment_pg_url );
Any help is much appreciated!
Here's my updated code, which is almost working. The js file is interpreting the enqueue script from functions.php. However, the url displayed is <?php echo get_attachment_link(); ?>
, rather than the actual link (ex: home.com/attachment-page), which does display correctly when I use this php code in the loop.
How can I get the url to output a link, not the actual php code?
In functions.php:
// Custom Photoswipe Share URL
wp_enqueue_script( 'photoswipe_custom_share_link', get_template_directory_uri() . '/custom_path_here/photoswipe-ui-single-item.js' );
$attach_url = "<?php echo get_attachment_link(); ?>";
wp_localize_script( 'photoswipe_custom_share_link', 'pswp_custom_share', $attach_url );
In the Photoswipe js file (with some extra fixes from my original post):
(this, function () {
'use strict';
var PhotoSwipeUI_Default =
function(pswp, framework) {
shareButtons: [
getAttachmentURLForShare: function ( /*shareButtonData */) {
return pswp_custom_share;
parseShareButtonOut: function(shareButtonData, shareButtonOut) {
return shareButtonOut;
_updateShareURLs = function() {
var shareButtonOut = '',
for(var i = 0; i < _options.shareButtons.length; i++) {
shareButtonData = _options.shareButtons[i];
attachment_url = _options.getAttachmentURLForShare(shareButtonData);
shareURL = shareButtonData.url.replace('{{attach_url}}', encodeURIComponent(attachment_url) );
I made the mistake of using quotes in my enqueue script. With the below code, formatting is now correct. The only problem is the url output is "home.com" instead of "home.com/attachment-page."
How can I define the dynamically generated attachment page url outside of the loop? Do I need to echo it?
$attach_url = get_attachment_link($attachment->ID);
I needed to use JavaScript enqueue to get base url of attachment in the loop. (Based on the answer here and with thedarkcoder's help).
In functions.php:
// Custom Photoswipe Share URL
function pswp_custom_share()
/* Get the ID of the current post */
global $post;
$ID = $post->ID;
/* register the script */
wp_register_script( 'photoswipe_custom_share_link', get_template_directory_uri() . 'custom_path_here/photoswipe-ui-single-item.js', array('jquery'), false, true );
$attach_url = array(
'attachment_page' => get_attachment_link( $ID )
wp_enqueue_script( 'photoswipe_custom_share_link' );
wp_localize_script('photoswipe_custom_share_link', 'attach_url', $attach_url);
/* If we're not in the admin section call our function on the wp_enqueue_scripts hook */
if ( !is_admin() ) add_action( "wp_enqueue_scripts", "pswp_custom_share", 10 );
In the Photoswipe js file:
getAttachmentURLForShare: function ( /*shareButtonData */) {
return attach_url.attachment_page;
You can use WordPress enqueue script function to achieve this
Please follow below link for detailed info
Let me know if it resolves your problem