I am working on a chess game and I would like to let the player choose the board's colors. Therefore I will use this method:
static void createBoard(Graphics g) {
Color bright = new Color(255, 225, 181); //player chooses color
Color dark = new Color(188, 141, 105); //player chooses color
boolean darkTile = false;
for (int y = spaceY; y < (spaceY + BOARDHEIGHT); y += TILESIZE) {
for (int x = spaceX; x < (spaceX + BOARDWIDTH); x += TILESIZE) {
if (darkTile) {
} else {
g.fillRect(x, y, TILESIZE, TILESIZE);
darkTile = !darkTile;
darkTile = !darkTile;
BufferedImage overlay;
try {
overlay = ImageIO.read(new File("overlay.png"));
JLabel label = new JLabel(new ImageIcon(overlay));
g.drawImage(overlay, spaceX, spaceY, BOARDWIDTH, BOARDHEIGHT, null);
} catch (IOException e) {}
This I would like to save as a BufferedImage, so I don't have to run this method all the time.
So how can I save just this part of my JPanel, without the stuff outside of the chess board? (there will be more painted)
This I would like to save as a BufferedImage,
Don't know that your need to save the BufferedImage to a file. You can just create a BufferedImage to be used by the application when the application starts. You can then recreate the BufferedImage if any of the user colors change.
You can paint directly to a BufferedImage:
BufferedImage image = new BufferedImage(boardSize, boardSize, BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_RGB);
Graphics2D g2d = image.createGraphics();
// draw the squares onto board
Now your createBoard() method should probably return the BufferedImage so it can be used by your application.