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Execute a Maven command on a file recursively

I have a very complex multi-module Maven project with nested projects. basically, the problem can be simplified to this configuration :

    Project A
|   pom.xml
|   pomBis.xml
|---- Project B
        ---- Project D
        ---- Project E
|---- Project C

The pom of the Project A has Project B and C as modules. And in the pom of Project B, I only have Project D. Because Project E is a very large project that we don't need to compile everyday, it is excluded of the daily build.

I now want to execute a Maven command, for example the versions:update-parent. I want ALL my projects and sub-project to be updated. If I use the pom.xml, the Project E will not be updated because it is not declared as a sub-module of Project B.

I thought of creating a custom pomBis.xml that would be used. But if I create a pomBis.xml on each sub-project, and run the command, only the pomBis.xml of Project A is used. When Maven is going deeper, it falls back to normal pom.xml.

The only solution I see is to create a pomBis.xml in Project A that will list all sub-modules and really list all leaf projects.

Am I getting something wrong?


  • Maven profile is the answer.

    Project A POM:


    Project B POM:


    Now, when you want your maven command affect all your projects, activate the profile "includebeast" as like below example:

    Example to compile all : mvn clean compile -P includebeast