I have a circle progress bar that works, but when it reaches 100% it is supposed to refresh and start over, but it doesn't. Here is my JSFiddle(for some reason it does not work there, but it works on my browser)
window.onload = function() {
var progressbar = document.querySelector('div[data-progress]'),
quad1 = document.querySelector('.quad1'),
quad2 = document.querySelector('.quad2'),
quad3 = document.querySelector('.quad3'),
quad4 = document.querySelector('.quad4'),
counter = document.querySelector('.counter');
var progInc = setInterval(incrementProg, 1000); // call function every second
function incrementProg() {
progress = progressbar.getAttribute('data-progress'); //get current value
progress++; // increment the progress bar value by 1 with every iteration
progressbar.setAttribute('data-progress', progress); //set value to attribute
counter.textContent = 100 - parseInt(progress, 10); // set countdown timer's value
setPie(progress); // call the paint progress bar function based on progress value
if (progress == 100) {
clearInterval(progInc); // clear timer when countdown is complete
function setPie(progress) {
/* If progress is less than 25, modify skew angle the first quadrant */
if (progress <= 25) {
quad1.setAttribute('style', 'transform: skew(' + progress * (-90 / 25) + 'deg)');
progressbar.setAttribute('style', 'box-shadow: inset 0px 0px 0px 50px #6edbf2');
/* Between 25-50, hide 1st quadrant + modify skew angle of 2nd quadrant */
else if (progress > 25 && progress <= 50) {
quad1.setAttribute('style', 'transform: skew(-90deg)'); // hides 1st completely
quad2.setAttribute('style', 'transform: skewY(' + (progress - 25) * (90 / 25) + 'deg)');
progressbar.setAttribute('style', 'box-shadow: inset 0px 0px 0px 50px #6edbf2');
/* Between 50-75, hide first 2 quadrants + modify skew angle of 3rd quadrant */
else if (progress > 50 && progress <= 75) {
quad1.setAttribute('style', 'transform: skew(-90deg)'); // hides 1st completely
quad2.setAttribute('style', 'transform: skewY(90deg)'); // hides 2nd completely
quad3.setAttribute('style', 'transform: skew(' + (progress - 50) * (-90 / 25) + 'deg)');
progressbar.setAttribute('style', 'box-shadow: inset 0px 0px 0px 50px #6edbf2');
/* Similar to above for value between 75-100 */
else if (progress > 75 && progress < 100) {
quad1.setAttribute('style', 'transform: skew(-90deg)'); // hides 1st completely
quad2.setAttribute('style', 'transform: skewY(90deg)'); // hides 2nd completely
quad3.setAttribute('style', 'transform: skew(-90deg)'); // hides 3rd completely
quad4.setAttribute('style', 'transform: skewY(' + (progress - 75) * (90 / 25) + 'deg)');
progressbar.setAttribute('style', 'box-shadow: inset 0px 0px 0px 50px #6edbf2');
.quad3 {
transform: skew(0deg);
/* invisible at -90deg */
.quad4 {
transform: skewY(0deg);
/* invisible at 90deg */
/* Just for demo */
div[data-progress] {
margin: 40px auto;
<div data-progress="0">
<div class="quad1"></div>
<div class="quad2"></div>
<div class="quad3"></div>
<div class="quad4"></div>
<div class='counter'>100</div>
You only stop the interval when reaching 100% progress. To start over, you have to actively reset the progress. You can do so as follows.
Instead of reading the progress and incrementing it, do this.
progress = parseInt(progressbar.getAttribute('data-progress'));
progress = ((progress + 1) % 100);
That is, treat the progress as an integer (because that's what it is) and then wrap the progress around to 0 when reaching 100 using the modulo operator.
You also have to reset all quadrants of your progress bar.
if (progress === 0) {
quad1.setAttribute('style', 'transform: skew(0deg)');
quad2.setAttribute('style', 'transform: skewY(0deg)');
quad3.setAttribute('style', 'transform: skew(0deg)');
quad4.setAttribute('style', 'transform: skewY(0deg)');
This you can insert right after updating the progress. You can get rid of the lines that clear the interval.
Full demo. I made the interval slightly faster, just for demo purposes.
var progressbar = document.querySelector('div[data-progress]'),
quad1 = document.querySelector('.quad1'),
quad2 = document.querySelector('.quad2'),
quad3 = document.querySelector('.quad3'),
quad4 = document.querySelector('.quad4'),
counter = document.querySelector('.counter');
var progInc = setInterval(incrementProg, 50);
function incrementProg() {
progress = parseInt(progressbar.getAttribute('data-progress'));
progress = ((progress + 1) % 100);
if (progress === 0) {
quad1.setAttribute('style', 'transform: skew(0deg)');
quad2.setAttribute('style', 'transform: skewY(0deg)');
quad3.setAttribute('style', 'transform: skew(0deg)');
quad4.setAttribute('style', 'transform: skewY(0deg)');
progressbar.setAttribute('data-progress', progress); //set value to attribute
counter.textContent = 100 - parseInt(progress, 10); // set countdown timer's value
setPie(progress); // call the paint progress bar function based on progress value
function setPie(progress) {
/* If progress is less than 25, modify skew angle the first quadrant */
if (progress <= 25) {
quad1.setAttribute('style', 'transform: skew(' + progress * (-90 / 25) + 'deg)');
progressbar.setAttribute('style', 'box-shadow: inset 0px 0px 0px 50px #6edbf2');
/* Between 25-50, hide 1st quadrant + modify skew angle of 2nd quadrant */
else if (progress > 25 && progress <= 50) {
quad1.setAttribute('style', 'transform: skew(-90deg)'); // hides 1st completely
quad2.setAttribute('style', 'transform: skewY(' + (progress - 25) * (90 / 25) + 'deg)');
progressbar.setAttribute('style', 'box-shadow: inset 0px 0px 0px 50px #6edbf2');
/* Between 50-75, hide first 2 quadrants + modify skew angle of 3rd quadrant */
else if (progress > 50 && progress <= 75) {
quad1.setAttribute('style', 'transform: skew(-90deg)'); // hides 1st completely
quad2.setAttribute('style', 'transform: skewY(90deg)'); // hides 2nd completely
quad3.setAttribute('style', 'transform: skew(' + (progress - 50) * (-90 / 25) + 'deg)');
progressbar.setAttribute('style', 'box-shadow: inset 0px 0px 0px 50px #6edbf2');
/* Similar to above for value between 75-100 */
else if (progress > 75 && progress < 100) {
quad1.setAttribute('style', 'transform: skew(-90deg)'); // hides 1st completely
quad2.setAttribute('style', 'transform: skewY(90deg)'); // hides 2nd completely
quad3.setAttribute('style', 'transform: skew(-90deg)'); // hides 3rd completely
quad4.setAttribute('style', 'transform: skewY(' + (progress - 75) * (90 / 25) + 'deg)');
progressbar.setAttribute('style', 'box-shadow: inset 0px 0px 0px 50px #6edbf2');
div[data-progress] {
box-sizing: border-box;
position: relative;
height: 200px;
width: 200px;
background: #c8c9cb;
border-radius: 50%;
transition: all 1s;
overflow: hidden;
.counter {
position: absolute;
height: 100%;
width: 100%;
top: 0%;
left: 0%;
text-align: center;
line-height: 200px;
border-radius: 50%;
background: transparent;
z-index: 4;
div>div {
position: absolute;
height: 50%;
width: 50%;
background: inherit;
border-radius: 0%;
.quad2 {
left: 50%;
transform-origin: left bottom;
.quad4 {
left: 0%;
transform-origin: right top;
.quad4 {
top: 0%;
.quad3 {
top: 50%;
.quad3 {
transform: skew(0deg);
/* invisible at -90deg */
.quad4 {
transform: skewY(0deg);
/* invisible at 90deg */
/* Just for demo */
div[data-progress] {
margin: 40px auto;
<div data-progress="0">
<div class="quad1"></div>
<div class="quad2"></div>
<div class="quad3"></div>
<div class="quad4"></div>
<div class='counter'>100</div>