When passing a URL through the first parameter of a function called cancelOrderByUrl in the "onClick" I get this error:
SyntaxError: missing ) after argument list
However, if a number was to be passed into the first parameter of cancelOrderByUrl(**HERE**, not here, not here);
there is no error and my function executes. So it has to do with syntax, how can i make sure the URL is encapsulated as a string? toString(); does not do the trick. Any suggestions?
<script src="someScriptThatContainsFunctionBeingCalledInOnClick.js" charset="utf-8"></script>
var someArray = [{cancel:"hhtps://api.somedomain.com/thisandthat/numbers", quantity:"12", price: "2.74"},{cancel:"hhtps://api.somedomain.com/thisandthat/numbers", quantity:"10", price: "2.71"}];
for (var i = 0; i < someArray.length; i++){
var orderDetails = '<td data-th="Cancel">' + '<button class="btn btn-cancel-order" onclick="cancelOrderByUrl('+someArray[i].cancel+', '+parseFloat(someArray[i].quantity).toFixed(2)+', '+parseFloat(someArray[i].price).toFixed(2)+')" >X</button>' + "</td>";
document.getElementById(someArray[i].created_at).innerHTML = orderDetails;
//if a number is passed instead of url, no problem
You can try using string.Format() function.
onclick='@string.Format("cancelOrderByUrl(YOUR PARAMETERS)")'