I have some R code below with examples of the 2 dataframes that I'm working with. The "keywords" df is periodically changing, so I need to create some code that will FLAG the rows within "mydata" where the Segment matches and the mydata$Acct_Name only needs to contain the word from keywords$KEYWORD somewhere within the cell.
I started doing a FOR loop, but things get tricky quickly when you're dealing with grepl and multiple dataframes. My next thought was to parse mydata$Acct_Name to then attempt a merge between the 2 dfs.
Any help is much appreciated!
Acct_Name <- c('joes ski shop'
,'joes alarm shop'
,'joes alarm spot'
,'joes bakery'
,'joes albergue shop'
,'jims Brewery'
,'jims albergue place'
Segment <- c('All_Other'
mydata <- data.frame(Acct_Name, Segment)
mydata$Acct_Name <- as.character(mydata$Acct_Name)
mydata$Segment <- as.character(mydata$Segment)
Segment <- c('All_Other'
KEYWORD <- c('aislamiento'
,'alcantarilla cloaca'
keywords <- data.frame(Segment,KEYWORD)
keywords$FLAG <- 1
keywords$Segment <- as.character(keywords$Segment)
keywords$KEYWORD <- as.character(keywords$KEYWORD)
You want to find any of the keywords for the group within the entries in mydata
for that group. We can basically just collapse each group to one or
condition, using paste
, with the collapse = "|"
specified. Then do a merge and make a new column of results using grepl
. Using data.table
# make the conditions, collapsing by group
kwords <- as.data.table(keywords)[, KWORD := paste(KEYWORD, collapse = "|"), by = Segment
][, .SD[1], by = Segment, .SDcols = c("KWORD")]
# make a column based on the grepl with condition
mydata <- as.data.table(mydata)
kwords[mydata, on = "Segment"][, flag := grepl(KWORD, Acct_Name), by = Acct_Name][]
# output:
# Segment KWORD Acct_Name flag
# 1: All_Other aislamiento|alarm|alarma joes ski shop FALSE
# 2: All_Other aislamiento|alarm|alarma joes alarm shop TRUE
# 3: All_Other aislamiento|alarm|alarma joes alarm spot TRUE
# 4: All_Other aislamiento|alarm|alarma joes bakery FALSE
# 5: Apartments albergue|alcantarilla cloaca|alcohol|almacenamiento joes albergue shop TRUE
# 6: Apartments albergue|alcantarilla cloaca|alcohol|almacenamiento jims Brewery FALSE
# 7: Apartments albergue|alcantarilla cloaca|alcohol|almacenamiento jims albergue place TRUE
Another option, that might work when there are many keywords per group, is to use stringr::str_detect
, which is vectorized over pattern. Like so:
as.data.table(mydata)[, flag := any(
keywords[keywords$Segment == Segment,"KEYWORD"])),
by = Acct_Name][]
# Acct_Name Segment flag
# 1: joes ski shop All_Other FALSE
# 2: joes alarm shop All_Other TRUE
# 3: joes alarm spot All_Other TRUE
# 4: joes bakery All_Other FALSE
# 5: joes albergue shop Apartments TRUE
# 6: jims Brewery Apartments FALSE
# 7: jims albergue place Apartments TRUE
We want to see if, for the subset of keywords
such that keywords$Segment == mydata$Segment
, any
of the patterns from keywords$KEYWORD
can be found with str_detect
in mydata$Acct_Name
. This solution seems a little funky to me, because it mixes a few different methods of referencing columns and mixes data.frame and data.table, but it seems to work. Perhaps this will work with the size of your original data.
Or, instead of having to repeatedly subset, make a list beforehand and use that (using split
to split the data.frame, the equivalent of subsetting here, and lapply
to get only the KEYWORD
keywords.list <- lapply(split(keywords, keywords$Segment), function(x) x$KEYWORD)
Then refer to each conveniently named list item by the value of Segment
in mydata:
as.data.table(mydata)[, flag := any(
keywords.list[[Segment]])), by = Acct_Name][]
# Acct_Name Segment flag
# 1: joes ski shop All_Other FALSE
# 2: joes alarm shop All_Other TRUE
# 3: joes alarm spot All_Other TRUE
# 4: joes bakery All_Other FALSE
# 5: joes albergue shop Apartments TRUE
# 6: jims Brewery Apartments FALSE
# 7: jims albergue place Apartments TRUE