I'm writing the hdl code for a DMux based on the Nand2Tetris course.
IN in, sel;
OUT a, b;
And(a = sel, b = in, out = b);
Not(in = sel, out = selNot);
And(a = in, b = selNot, out = a);
For some reason, this code fails on the test script values of in = 1 and sel = 0
. It evaluates a
and b
both to 0 in this case.
I have written out the gates multiple times, and I can't figure out why the result is not a = 1 and b = 0
Can someone explain to me what is happening?
I have a feeling your Not implementation may have a problem.
Try replacing the Not with a Nand:
Nand(a=sel,b=sel,out=notSel); // notSel = ! sel
If this works, then your Not.hdl is incorrect.
Also, on a style point, it's clearer if you define your intermediates before your final outputs (ie: put the Nand first), and be consistent in your input ordering (ie: a=in, b=sel or notSel, out = a or b). Helps reduce the chance you will misread something.