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django-background-tasks migrations on heroku

I am trying to migrate dajngo-background-tasks on my app hosted in heroku. Migrations worked normally locally but when I tried to run:

heroku run python migrate

It returned 'No migrations to apply'

  1. I've added 'background_task', to INSTALLED_APPS
  2. I ran

    heroku run python makemigrations background_task

    And it created the required migrations

  3. I even tried running

    heroku run python migrate background_task

    causing "CommandError: App 'background_task' does not have migrations."

PS: One thing I noticed is that when running migrate locally I get this text

Apply all migrations: admin, background_task, auth, contenttypes, sessions, <my_app>

But when I run it on the server I get

Apply all migrations: admin, auth, contenttypes, sessions, <my_app>

Every form of help will be very much appreciated!


  • This is due to missing migrations in the django-background-tasks package. This issue has been fixed in the latest version. If you install 1.1.9 the deployment to heroku should work.