can you help me figure out what's the problem in my code.. i wanted to edit a specific line.... thnx
int main (){
char arr[50];
char arr2[50];
char arr3[50];
FILE *stream = NULL;
FILE *stream2 = NULL;
stream = fopen("studentinfo.txt", "rt");
stream2 = fopen("studentinfo2.txt", "w+");
char* token;
char dlm[] = ",";
printf("Enter student id: ");
scanf("%s", arr2);
printf("New student id: ");
scanf("%s", arr3);
token = strtok(arr,dlm);
if(strcmp(arr2, token)==0){
fseek ( stream2 , 0 , SEEK_CUR );
fputs ( arr3 , stream2 );
fclose ( stream2 );
fclose ( stream );
You cannot "edit specific lines". You can replace the bytes that are currently in the file, but if you need to replace with fewer or more bytes then you need to rewrite the rest of the file after them.