If I run the code below, a lot of connections to the database remain doing nothing. You can check the number of open connections by running:
SELECT COUNT(dbid) as TotalConnections FROM sys.sysprocesses WHERE dbid > 0
Or, if you want more detail run the following command. You'll see a lot of connections with a 'AWAITING COMMAND' state:
I would have assumed that the Codefluent Persistency context would be gone after the thread exited and closed the connection. How can I force Codefluent to close the connection in the pool?
public void TestThreads()
for (var i = 0; i < 1000; i++)
var t = new Thread(() => StaticticThreadContainer.Test());
public static int Test()
var p = CwObject.LoadByEntityKey("baf04c09-7415-497d-b3cd-00004266f503");
return 1;
I found out a bit more. If I call the following code before returning in the thread the connection is closed properly. Is this the way to go?
Meziantou answered my question but the mentioned overload does not exist. The following code should do the trick: