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Codefluent: Connections to the database remain after thread ends

If I run the code below, a lot of connections to the database remain doing nothing. You can check the number of open connections by running:

SELECT COUNT(dbid) as TotalConnections FROM sys.sysprocesses WHERE dbid > 0

Or, if you want more detail run the following command. You'll see a lot of connections with a 'AWAITING COMMAND' state:


I would have assumed that the Codefluent Persistency context would be gone after the thread exited and closed the connection. How can I force Codefluent to close the connection in the pool?

public void TestThreads()
    for (var i = 0; i < 1000; i++)
        var t = new Thread(() => StaticticThreadContainer.Test());

public static int Test()
   var p = CwObject.LoadByEntityKey("baf04c09-7415-497d-b3cd-00004266f503");
   return 1;

I found out a bit more. If I call the following code before returning in the thread the connection is closed properly. Is this the way to go?



  • Meziantou answered my question but the mentioned overload does not exist. The following code should do the trick:
