I am working on a cart service that will be injected, and I am using ember-data to store the cart data (because I need to persist the cart to the back-end).
Naturally, within the service I need to create computed properties on the cart data so that I can provide sums of quantities and totals.
But I am having a really, really hard time accessing the 'cart' model from the store in order to do this. Here's what I am trying to do:
export default Service.extend({
store: inject.service(),
cartObj: null, // set in init() so cart data can be used in computed properties
init() {
// get cart model from store, set it to property on the service
let cartObj = this.get('store').peekAll('cart').get('firstObject');
set(this, 'cartObj', cartObj);
lineItems: computed('cartObj.cartitems.[]', function() {
// cartitems is a collection stored in each cart object
return get(this, 'cartObj.cartitems');
total: computed.sum('itemPrices'), // cart total
No matter what I try in init(): this.get('store').peekAll('cart').get('firstObject')
or this.store.peekAll('cart').get('firstObject')
or variations of the same with .objectAt(0)
...nothing works.
I either get errors about "get" not being a function, or the cartObj
assignment evaluates to null
EVEN THOUGH the model is there, with data in it:
What am I missing here?
Very first time you are injecting cart
service, it will create instance and it will call init method, you just need to ensure by that time store is already filled with cart
Or you can try with computed property,
cartObj: Ember.computed(function(){