I have a program implementing simulated annealing. I'm having a problem with the acceptance probability, probably due to my lack of understanding of why raising euler's number to the power of (energy - energy') is useful.
The probability is always over 1.0 (100%), even when the temperature is very low, making this effectively a random search. How do I fix my acceptance probability to a normal rate for sA (high chance of accepting a worse solution at the beginning, low chance towards the end)?
Here is the method code:
if (mutatedSolutionFitness > originalSolutionFitness) {
return 1.0;
} else {
System.out.println("Original solution fitness: "+originalSolutionFitness);
System.out.println("Mutated solution fitness: "+mutatedSolutionFitness);
System.out.println("Temperature: "+this.temperature);
final double chance = Math.exp((originalSolutionFitness - mutatedSolutionFitness) / this.temperature);
System.out.println("Math.exp((originalSolutionFitness - mutatedSolutionFitness) / this.temperature): "+chance);
return chance;
And here's the output a few times:
Original solution fitness: 0.6666666666666666
Mutated solution fitness: 0.5555555555555556
Temperature: 999998.000001
Math.exp((originalSolutionFitness - mutatedSolutionFitness) / this.temperature): 1.0000001111113395
Original solution fitness: 0.6666666666666666
Mutated solution fitness: 0.6666666666666666
Temperature: 999997.000003
Math.exp((originalSolutionFitness - mutatedSolutionFitness) / this.temperature): 1.0
Original solution fitness: 0.6666666666666666
Mutated solution fitness: 0.6666666666666666
Temperature: 999996.000006
Math.exp((originalSolutionFitness - mutatedSolutionFitness) / this.temperature): 1.0
Original solution fitness: 0.6666666666666666
Mutated solution fitness: 0.5555555555555556
Temperature: 999995.00001
Math.exp((originalSolutionFitness - mutatedSolutionFitness) / this.temperature): 1.0000001111116728
Original solution fitness: 0.6666666666666666
Mutated solution fitness: 0.4444444444444444
Temperature: 999994.0000149999
Math.exp((originalSolutionFitness - mutatedSolutionFitness) / this.temperature): 1.0000002222235802
Original solution fitness: 0.6666666666666666
Mutated solution fitness: 0.5555555555555556
Temperature: 999993.0000209998
Math.exp((originalSolutionFitness - mutatedSolutionFitness) / this.temperature): 1.000000111111895
In your example output the probability will always >= 1
as it's usually set to 1 if the new solution is better than the current one.
Following the classic original formulation (equivalent to yours; besides the if-else behaviour) available @wiki (Kirkpatrick et al):
P(e, e', T) =
1 if e' < e
(as outlined above)exp(-(e' - e) / T
: current solutione'
: new solution candidateT
: temperatureSome examples:
T = 100000
as e' < e
T = 10
(T does not change that fact)~0.9889614
So it still will do a complete random-search accepting every candidate as long as each new candidate is better. That's a design-decision taken. But when the candidates get worse than the current solution, the acceptance-procedure matters.
For other approaches / designs, you should be able to find a lot of resources. Matlab seems to always accept better candidates too, but uses a different formula elsewise.