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Textexpander 5 optional section keyboard shortcut

I'm using TextExpander 5. Is it possible to use a keyboard instead of a mouse then working with a popup window with importing choices? Like, if I don't want to include a section I'd rather use my keyboard to uncheck a checkbox then reaching out for a mouse.

enter image description here



  • Actually completed such task by using Mac OS X built-in ability to TAB focusing on non-inputable UI elements.

    You can change it at System Preferences > Keyboard > Shortcuts.

    At a bottom of a window you will found «Full Keyboard Access». This guy will help you to do that I was hoping to get (and finally got).

    If you are interested in following my adventures on this, go here

    tldr version of the link above;

    Found somewhat "almost-there" solution. I can check current status of this option by typing in terminal:

    defaults read -g AppleKeyboardUIMode

    It will return 0 (off) or 2 (on) dependent of current setting.

    Right now, I'm using Keyboard Maestro Macro for doing this.