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Show read more link if the text exceeds a certain length

well I am new here and I don't know much about JavaScript. I saw similar post like this here: How do I add a read more link at the end of a paragraph? but I need some other things which is not available there. I add contents in my gaming site using these BB codes: [url=url to main page of game]Game Name[img]image link[/img][/url] [small]Long description about game[/small]

and my requirements are: 1. Show read more link if the Description exceeds a certain length. 2. I want the Description to be appended with the ...(3 dots) and the read more link. 3. I need same url(url to main page of game) in read more link which I entered in above bbcode.

well it will be tough for anyone to understand my requirements/question. also my english is not so good. you can see this page to understand more about my site. I have already a js code where I got all requirements but not 3rd requirement. can anyone tell me how I can do this ?


  • If you are doing it in jquery way.

    $('.comments p').text(function(_, txt) {
      if(txt.length > 36){
        txt = txt.substr(0, 36) + "...";
        $(this).parent().append("<a href='#'>Read More</a>");
    <script src=""></script>
    <div class="comments">
      <p>Lorem ipsum Lorem ipsum Lorem ipsum Lorem ipsum Lorem ipsum</p>
    <div class="comments">
      <p>Lorem ipsum Lorem ipsum Lorem ipsum</p>