"statistics": {
"cssResponseBytes": "333 kB",
"htmlResponseBytes": "269 kB",
"imageResponseBytes": "3.35 MB",
"javascriptResponseBytes": "2.29 MB",
"numberCssResources": 2,
"numberHosts": 80,
"numberJsResources": 72,
"numberResources": 237,
"numberStaticResources": 50,
"otherResponseBytes": "53.1 kB",
"textResponseBytes": "160 kB",
"totalRequestBytes": "69.7 kB"
This is the JSON response im getting for the statistics of a page from the Google PageSpeed API. How can I calculate the entire download size of loading the page with this, if possible? My assumption is to ADD the first 4 lines in the response together (responsebytes)
You can create a function that parses the result and calculates the total number of bytes, something like
var obj = {
"statistics": {
"cssResponseBytes": "333 kB",
"htmlResponseBytes": "269 kB",
"imageResponseBytes": "3.35 MB",
"javascriptResponseBytes": "2.29 MB",
"numberCssResources": 2,
"numberHosts": 80,
"numberJsResources": 72,
"numberResources": 237,
"numberStaticResources": 50,
"otherResponseBytes": "53.1 kB",
"textResponseBytes": "160 kB",
"totalRequestBytes": "69.7 kB"
var result = Object.keys(obj.statistics)
.filter( k => k.includes('ResponseBytes'))
.map( v => {
var calc = {kB:1,MB:1024,GB:1048576}; // etc
var size = +obj.statistics[v].replace(/\s.+$/,'');
var mult = obj.statistics[v].split(/\s/).pop();
return size * (calc[mult]||0);
}).reduce( (a,b) => a+b).toFixed(2) + ' kB';