Subgraph id = 102
0 701 700 675
1 701 700 654
2 637 701 700
3 413 401 443
subgraph id = 238
4 401 400 443
5 401 400 465
6 290 289 281
7 250 290 281
subgraph id = 98
8 477 167 165
9 804 803 154
10 133 701 700
index num1 num2 num3
This is a representation of how data is stored in file.
I want to count:
1) how many distinguished numbers are there per id
2) how many times does one number appear in each of the ids.
I want to save the result in list or a map that I could than read from easily.
like this:
102: 701|3 -> 700|3 -> 675|1 -> 654|1 -> 637|1 -> 413|1 -> 401|1 -> 443|1
238: 401|2 -> 400|2 -> 443|1 -> 465|1 -> 290|1 -> 289|1 -> 281|2 -> 250|1 -> 290|1
What is the best structure to use?
I tried HashMap but I'm new to this and didn't succeed.
Have in mind that value N in n|N is the number of times n appears, and is incremented multiple times in inner while loop.
public HashMap<Integer, LinkedList<Tuple>> process()
HashMap<Integer, LinkedList<Tuple>> result = new HashMap<>();
String parted_line[] = new String[4];
String line;
int start_index = -1;
int end_index = -1;
int id;
Tuple tupleNew = new Tuple();
Tuple tuple = new Tuple();
LinkedList<Tuple> list;
boolean newT = true;
line = file.readNextLine();
while ( line!= null)
if (line.contains("subgraph id =")) {
start_index = line.indexOf('=') + 2;
String subgraph_id = line.substring(start_index);
line = file.readNextLine();
//first check null then .contains
list= new LinkedList();
while ( line!=null && !line.contains("subgraph id =") )
int i;
for(i=1 ; i<parted_line.length;i++){
list.add(new Tuple(Integer.parseInt(parted_line[i]),1));
int j;
//this part can probably be done better, I used iteration :
for (j=0;j<list.size();j++){
list.add(new Tuple(Integer.parseInt(parted_line[i]),1));
line = file.readNextLine();
result.put(id, list);
return result;
You can do a HashMap that have the key as Integers and the value as List of Tuple of Integers, like this:
class Tuple {
Integer number;
Integer repetitions;
Declare like this:
HashMap<Integer, List<Tuple> map = new HashMap<>();
To new values:
Tuple tuple = new Tuple();
tuple.number = <value>;
tuple.repetitions = 1;
map.put(tuple.number, new LinkedList<>());
To existing values:
LinkedList<Tuple> list = map.get(<value>);
Tuple tuple = list.find(<repeated-value>); // You will need to do a equals/hashcode method in Tuple or use another strategy, i think you can do with Stream api too
tuple.repetitions = tuple.repetition + 1;
And then you'll have this HashMap:
<value> -> (<repeated-value>,repetitions) / (<repeated-value2>,repetitions) ...
<value2> -> (<repeated-value>,repetitions) / (<repeated-value2>,repetitions) ...