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Access the EPartService after an RCP application has initialized

After my application initialized, I'm trying to automatically create a part within a part stack. I need the EPartService for this but I can't think of any way to properly get a hold of this service.

I've tried using the LifeCycle management to get the current IEclipseContext. However, whenever I try to access the service using the context, it's not found.

Any idea how I can do this?


  • You should be able to inject the EPartService in any of the defined methods in your life cycle class. However you won't be able to show a part until the application startup is complete. So use the App Startup Complete event, by adding a method like this to the life cycle class:

    public void appStartupComplete(@UIEventTopic(UIEvents.UILifeCycle.APP_STARTUP_COMPLETE)  Event event,
                                   EPartService partService)