I'm filling dynamically a table and I got stuck when I was trying to concatenate or insert a value to JSON which I get from controller. I want to insert this value because I need to show an image, so I insert an HTML-tag with a route which comes from JSON.
Here's my code:
public function consultaProd2(Request $request)
$almacenes = Almacen::orderBy('nombre')->lists('nombre', 'id');
$fechas = explode(' ', $request['RangoFecha']);
$fechaInicial = $fechas[0].' 00:00:00';
$fechaFinal = $fechas[2].' 23:59:59';
$productos = Producto::whereBetween('created_at', [$fechaInicial, $fechaFinal])
->where('almacen_id', '=', $request['Almacen'])
return response()->json($productos);
<script type="text/javascript">
function llenar(response, index, value)
"destroy": true,
"data": response,
"scrollX": true,
<script type="text/javascript">
function consultaProducto(){
var tablaDatos = $('#datos');
var token = $("#token").val();
var route = '<?= url('producto/consultaProducto') ?>'
var data = {};
data.Almacen = $('select[name=Almacen]').val();
data.RangoFecha = $('input[name=RangoFecha]').val();
url: route,
headers: {'X-CSRF-TOKEN': token},
data: data,
method: 'POST',
statusCode: {
400: function() {
$.each(response, function(index, value){
if(response[index].pathImg == null)
var img = "/documento/valach/noimg.png";
var img = response[index].pathImg;
var img = "/documento/valach/noimg.png";
response[index].img = "<img src="+img+">";
llenar(response, index, value);
return false;
For example, if the query gets 3 arrays and I print the id
it only shows the information without any error, but when I use data:img
which is the value I did insert, it throws me the following error, after that it fills the table and shows the image.
and the row increases as information arrives, but if I only get 1 array in query, it fills the table without any error. Hope you can help me, thanks.
You call llenar()
inside the loop, i.e once for each iteration. You should call it after the loop has finished. And you should really use some { }
's to avoid confusion when you (or others) reinvestigate the code in 3 weeks time :)
$.each(response, function(index, value){
var img;
if (response[index].pathImg == null) {
img = "/documento/valach/noimg.png";
} else {
img = response[index].pathImg;
//var img = "/documento/valach/noimg.png"; ???
response[index].img = "<img src="+img+">";
llenar(response, index, value);